Saturday, 10 December 2016

Two Identical Pills each day

You are on a strict medical regimen that requires you to take two types of pills each day. You must take exactly one A pill and exactly one B pill at the same time. The pills are very expensive, and you don’t want to waste any. So you open the bottle of A pills, and tap one out into your hand. Then you open the bottle of B pills and do the same thing – but you make a mistake, and two B pills come out into your hand with the A pill. But the pills are all exactly identical. There is no way to tell A pills apart from B pills. Is it possible to satisfy your regimen and take exactly one of each pill at the same time, without wasting any pills? Give answer as below

Can’t say


Exaplanation - 

1. First cut each pill and divide into two parts.
2. Take one more pill from Bottle 'A' and cut into two parts and put one part in each of group.
3. Take one one group of pills one day and another group on second day.

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